Meeting Agendas & Minutes
As the legislative branch of the City of New Market, Iowa government, the City Council holds open public meetings where local laws, policies, and basic decisions for the city are discussed and decided. City Council members are elected at large.
Notice for all public meetings, along with agendas, are posted in advance of the meeting. Minutes are posted after meetings have concluded. (when available)
Regular Council Meetings are held at City Hall, 512 Main St, New Market IA 51646, at 7:00pm. Unless otherwise posted, the meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month.
Relevant Documents
- Council Meeting Dates
Frequently Asked Questions
Are the Council Meetings open to the public?
Yes, all of the regular session Council Meetings and public hearings are open to the public. Only closed hearings are closed to the public. Closed hearings will adhere to the State of Iowa guidelines.
Does the Council require an entity to be listed on the Agenda in order to be heard?
Being placed on the Agenda is prefered however, not necessarily required. The Council reserves the right to control the Council Meeting including who will be allowed to speak but they do encourage any citizen to voice their opinions and concerns. Entities who have been placed on the Agenda will be heard first.
How do I get an issue or person listed on the Agenda?
Please call City Hall, giving at least 48 hours notice prior to the Council Meeting, to have your issue placed upon the agenda. The finalized Agenda will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.