Recent News
The City of New Market, Iowa staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you! Subscribe today and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox.
Water Service Disruption
There is a water main break affecting customers from Main Street east. The crew is currently working to repair the main. More information will be posted when available. Thank you!
City Wide Clean-up
City Wide Clean-up is Saturday, May 4th from 8am-2pm at the lot across from Town & Country.
City Wide Garage Sale Weekend
City Wide Garage Sale weekend is coming back to New Market. Friday, May 31st and Saturday, June 1st, 2024. To be included on the map fill out the form and return it by May 24th to City Hall. Maps will be available by the end of day on Wednesday, May 29th.
Public Hearing on the FY25 Budget
The Public Hearing on the Proposed Fiscal Year 25 Budget will be at 6:45pm on Thursday, April 18th at City Hall.
Proposed Property Tax Levy
A Public Hearing on the Proposed Property Tax Levy is Thursday, March 28th at 6:30 pm.
Trash Pick-up
New Market Residents please use sharps containers when disposing of needles. Geer Sanitation will pick up trash with needles as long as they are properly disposed of in a sharps container. Please do not just toss needles into your trash bag. Everyone's safety is important! Thank you!
Boil Advisory Ended
The boil advisory has been lifted for those affected by the water leak on 2/9/24. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Notice to Bidders - Division 2 Re-Bid
Notice to Bidders - Division 2 March 14th Bid Letting.
Boil Advisory
The New Market residents that were affected by the water outage today, 2/9/24, are under a Boil Advisory until further notice. This would be the southeast area of town. The main area affected was 1st Street to 6th Street from Main Street to the east. Notice will be sent out when the Advisory is lifted.
Water Service Disruption
The East side of town is experiencing a water outage while a water repair is being made. Work is currently being done and water will hopefully be returned soon. Any further information will be posted on the city website, facebook page, and on the electronic sign. Thank you for your patience.
Congratulations to the One Hit Wonders!
Congratulations to the Adult Co-Ed Volleyball League Champs!
Trash pickup
Trash will not be picked up today, Tuesday, January 9th in New Market. Geer Sanitation will pick up trash on Wednesday afternoon (1/10) or Thursday morning (1/11). Thank you for your understanding and stay safe out there!
Snow Emergency
The CIty of New Market has declared a snow emergency effective immediately. Please remove all vehicles from city streets. Once it has stopped snowing and the roads have been cleared you may resume street parking. Thank you for your assistance!